Wednesday, January 23, 2013

18 months!

DH had to take Little Miss for her 18 month checkup yesterday since I was sick. Unfortunately we seem to have caught a case of the rotavirus around here. Blech. Thankfully DD seems to not have had as bad a reaction since she had the vaccine.

I can't believe she's 18 months old already! Seems like just yesterday we were finding out that we would be having a little girl, and now she seems to be half-grown! At this checkup she finally made it onto the growth charts. She's been hanging out in the -1 to 3% since she was born. This time her weight of 20.5lbs put her at the 5% for weight! And her height of 32'' landed her in the 63%. WOW! I knew she had recently hit a growth-spurt since she skipped over 12-m clothes and went straight into 18-m.

She is into everything and loves exploring the house. She recently figured out how to pull out the dining room chairs, climb up onto them, and then onto the table! Seems like nothing is safely out of reach these days. We are finally starting to work on potty training as well. She just wasn't ready over Christmas, but in the last week she has gotten more interested and has told us several times that she needs to go. Soon I will take a few days off work and we will work on it - and hopefully we can say No More Diapers!!

She's talking up a storm and repeating everything we say (or at least she's trying to). She loves to sing and dance along with her shows. And she really likes it when Daddy pulls out the guitar to play and sing with her. She grabs her drum and bangs along, usually right in-beat to the music :)

She LOVES Minnie Mouse :) Here's a pic of her hanging out with Minnie while mom got ready for church. Sweet girl let her friend sit in her favorite spot and brought over her car seat to sit next to Minnie and hold her hand while they watched Minnie's Bowtique. She just saw this picture on the computer and said "Hi, Aly!! Hi Minnie Mouse!!" So cute!

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