Wednesday, June 29, 2016

The Call?

It started years ago. When I was young, I would devour stories of foreign missionaries. One of my favorites was Amy Carmichael. I used to dream of one day rescuing kiddos and adopting them as my own.

Then I grew up. Career, married, kids. The foreign thing isn't happening, and the more I learn about it the less I want to adopt from another country. But I hold out hope for fostering someday. It's always been a part of my life plan. I just need to convince DH to get on board 😉

Last Saturday, I was just hanging out at home with DH. The thoughts and noise in my head reached a crescendo and broke.


And then, a still, small voice. "What if you fostered LGBT kids, specifically? What if you sought them out - on purpose - to show them unconditional love?"

I brushed it off. This definitely wasn't the time to bring it up to DH. We were exhausted from the crazy week, and both went to sleep shortly after.

But the thought never left my mind. It's stayed there, nagging at me. If I really want LGBT equality in society and in the church, why NOT step up to the plate, so to speak.

And then tonight, on my way home from work, I heard this. And I cried all the way home.

Where we go from here, I am not sure. But what I do know is this - I cannot ignore where my heart is leading.

1 comment:

  1. I don't want to seem like I am trying to dissuade you, but if your husband's heart isn't in it, I would not pursue it. This isn't something you should have to convince him to do. Children who lack a stable environment in their formative years are subject to a host of emotional problems; RAD (reactive attachment disorder) is a common one. A friend was fostering a seven year old with the intention to adopt him when he obtained a knife and attempted to stab her four year old. Again, I don't say this to try to change your mind, but just know that sometimes unconditional love just isn't enough when you are dealing with kids who have been neglected and abused for years. You need a partner who is completely on board, especially when you have other kids that you have to provide a safe environment for. Prayers for guidance as you determine the best way to navigate this calling.
