Friday, January 31, 2014

Checking In

It has been 5 and a half months since we held our baby and said hello and goodbye in the same breath. Sometimes it feels like seconds ago, and other times it feels like another lifetime.

For the most part life has gone on. I have been back at work since September, Aly is growing and changing by leaps and bounds, and life at home tends to fall back into the same regular routine. We are working on potty training with Aly, which is taking a lot longer than I had anticipated. Of course. I really need to learn to stop making plans for these kinds of things ;)

But part of my heart is still so empty, still very broken. And for the last two weeks it seems like relentless hits just keep on coming. The dozen random notes to let me know people are thinking of my precious baby and still saying prayers for me bring me to my knees. I am so grateful that people still remember. But it brings things back to the surface all over again (yet still worth it to know that others know Aubree and miss her too).

And then there are the very painful triggers. This past week I was caught off-guard at work in a meeting with people I had not seen in several months, if not years. "Oh, Sarah, how's the baby?" Such an innocent question to ask. Yet, it left me sitting there completely befuddled. Baby? What baby? I don't have a baby? Oh, Aly? She's 2 now, going on 15, and full of little-girl drama. Definitely not a baby anymore!

"No, the baby. How's the baby?" And that's when it hit me. Crap. What do I say? Oh my goodness, everyone is looking at me. Seconds felt like heart was racing and my stomach felt sick. Why was everyone staring at me? How long was I sitting there with my mouth open and my eyes fixed on the wall in the background? What do I say to someone I barely know, let alone a room full of strangers? "Um, she passed away," was all I could mutter, while looking at the ground and wishing I could run away.

But the questions didn't stop there. "How did she pass?" Ok, normal question. This one I could answer. Her little heart was broken and couldn't make it. "So, are you trying again?" When I stalled on answering again the question was asked repeated. Several times. WOW. Searing pain coursed through my body as I began to panic. First of all, from co-workers I barely know, how is a question like that appropriate? Secondly, that is a really painful topic for me right now. The truth is that it's been left up to God's timing since we got the clearance from my doctor in September. And each month that passes with negative tests followed by a period brings me to tears. I feel like something is wrong with me, even though they say there isn't. I feel like God is punishing me, even though I know in my head this isn't true. Honestly I don't even remember how I managed to answer this question or the several minutes following.

And then, to top it all off, was the seemingly "funny" comment made by an acquaintance. We were talking about kiddos and how they all have very different personalities. Aly is our independent child, and I had stated that I knew Aubree would have been our clingy, needy baby. "Oh, well, guess you dodged a bullet there, huh?" WHAT THE HELL?!?! Yes, we sure did. I am so glad that we aren't being inconvenienced by a healthy, living child. You are right, a dead baby is absolutely preferable to a colicky one. I wish I could have said those things. Instead I just stared blankly for a second and tried to change the subject.

For the most part there are still way more good days than bad. And when the bad times come I am able to re-direct my thoughts and actions most of the time. But there are days when I just can't seem to function. It's always annoying to find a new trigger since I really don't know what it is going to be. The other day I was eating a grapefruit and had to throw it away because it reminded me too much of Aubree. A freaking grapefruit! *sigh*


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sarah, My heart breaks for you. And I am fairly certain it would have taken a lot of people to pull me off the person who made that last comment to you. I have numerous friends who are very open with their infertility journeys and the losses of their precious babies so I feel like I am more capable of understanding the sensitivity of this topic than many others but I still can't comprehend the loss since I have not experienced it. I have no idea why people ask if someone is trying after they have lost a child or having their child passes. What does this question mean? Do they think you replace one with another? I know that must be devastating to you but I don't think they can understand unless they have been through it or have been close with someone else who has. I pray that as time goes on your heart will heal even more but that hole will never completely heal because a piece of you is missing from this earth. Sweet Aubree left an impression on so many of us and we will all rejoice when the Lord blessed you again.

  3. Sarah. I vasilate between wanting to punch insensitive people and so sick to my stomach right now at how much this hurt you. I can't stop thinking about how very difficult it is for you to"move on" when your heart has been severed in grateful for your strong hearted husband who loves you and your father God who holds you. So glad you shared this so we all can pray for healing with tenderness and Grace. Aubree is your blessed daughter. Blessed that her momma and daddy gave her a whole life. I'm so very sorry, my girl, that you ate hurting. I wish there were a way to physically take this from you and leave with the truth and peace of the just the lovely memories. There isn't. God will not waste this mourning. He will renew and strengthen and heal. Part of you will fore er be torn and sore because you are a mother who lost one of her own sweet babies. This will make you a even more fiercely loyal, driven woman, wife, mother. Nothing will change the loss but God will, by and by, ease your pain. I Love You! I am praying always for peace and grace to hold you as you heal. May God cover this fresh stab with his love.

  4. Your co-workers were beyond inappropriate on so many levels. I'm sorry they didn't drop it and that no one stepped and stopped them. Aubree will always be part of you and God is giving you the time you need to heal. He will know when you are ready for a baby.

  5. I am so appalled by the comments your co-workers made. The last one make me viscerally ill. We lost twins, a little boy and a little girl in September. If someone had said these things to me I just might have hit them... Or cried. Your grace and poise in that horrendous situation in not only admirable, but downright Christ-like. I am deeply sorry for your loss and I pray you have full arms soon.

  6. (((HUGS)))
    I wish I could take your pain away. I'm angry at your coworkers, and my heart is breaking for you. May you get the support you need, and the Grace to heal.
