Saturday, November 17, 2012

To Santa or Not To Santa?

With everyone gearing up for Christmas, DH and I are wondering what to do about Santa. Do we tell DD about Santa? Or do we not mention it? I don't know if its really worth the trouble or not.

As a Christian family, I kind of struggle with making Christmas about Santa and elves instead of the remembrance of Christ's birth. But as a kid we believed in Santa and it was so much fun :) Not sure which is worse - denying my kid those memories, or having to tell her later that we lied to her and then try to break her from focusing on presents and magical elves to focusing on the Nativity.


  1. This is a personal decision. I'm not lying to my kids about any of it - santa, easter bunny, tooth fairy. I'm all for pretending but that's all it's going to be. For several reasons: I don't want to lie. I don't want to try harder every year to convince my kids Santa is real.

    And there are 2 types of kids. The ones who gently come to the conclusion that santa is pretend, swallowing the disappointing truth and going on with their lives. Or the kid that holds on to the fantasy and the parents have to break the news to their kid before someone else does. And face their kid as they realize mom and dad have been lying to them for years. Playing a joke on them. Ha ha ha. Either scenario I find sad.

    Oh and finally. If you make up stories (lie) to them about Santa, easter bunny, and the toothfairy. Why should they believe you when you tell them Jesus is real?

    Anyways, those are my thoughts. I respect other people's decisions on this subject. Hope you figure things out.

  2. That's what I am leaning toward. I want DD to look forward to Christmas because of the fun traditions we build as a family. And I don't want the focus to be on what she's going to get from Santa. She's still pretty young this year so we won't be mentioning Santa at all.

  3. Santa for now. I do promote Santa at our house now but I don't think that I will lie if and when she asks me if he is real.

  4. We didn't go the Santa route. DS is 4, he recognizes Santa as a Christmas figure, but that is it. I didn't grow up with Santa and DH did, but he wasn't tied to that tradition and we both didn't like lying to our child. We focus on the reason for Christmas. We do a candle for every night of advent and do a reading or craft about the birth of Jesus. The trick we are finding is to balance our decision with those of others in the family whose kids do believe. So far they are young enough that it hasn't been an issue, but I can see this year DS realizing that Santa doesn't come to our house. I don't want DS to be "that" kid who ruins santa for others (I may have done that in pre-school. :P ), so I'm trying to figure out what to tell him. I'm really hoping we can make it to next Christmas without having to deal with the Santa question.

  5. Why is this even a question? How can you not Santa? That is one of the most precious childhood memories you can make. I honestly feel like people who don't do Santa are depriving their child of some childhood magic. It doesn't have to be either or. Plenty of people do Santa, but make sure that their children know the real reason for Christmas.
